Mekong Delta Trip – Get Important Details to Make Your Tour Special and Memorable


Vietnam Tours

Vietnam Tours

Exploring Vietnam by visiting Mekong Delta is certainly a great idea to amuse yourself. The word Mekong Delta bewitches pictures from Apocalypse Now and Wanger. While in other imaginations Delta is place of sleepy atmosphere, quiet, and pastoral scenes of country’s Old French Empire. Those who want to take a majestic view of Vietnam need to take a look at waterways of the Mekong Delta that are located nearby Ho Chi Minh City for a day visit. Moreover, those people who are anxious to get an excellent opportunity to intimate with the Delta get an opportunity to grab a multi-day visit option.

When it comes to the type of Mekong Delta Trips, boat has been the most preferred choice to access the Mekong for a long time. Travel by water is certainly the most convenient way and attracts the number of visitors, for being a cost-effective option as well. It is known to all that Mekong Delta is widely flat, so it is famous as easy cycling country. So, you can get this option if you love bicycling tours, which is certainly the most convenient medium for Delta’s canal. Aside from this, minibus service of delta is also available out of Ho Chi Minh City.

Halong Bay Cruise

Halong Bay Cruise

Moreover, the Mekong Delta is also known as a tropical region, this makes high humidity all the times (nearly 70%). It goes up, especially in rainy season from May to November. If you are planning to visit the place during this season then you need to take several things into consideration. You always need to have a bottle of water especially while cycling trip. Even if your tour operator offers the bottled water, you are advised to bring a reserve bottle. Moreover, if you are planning to opt for a minibus service, never expect that the vehicle is air conditioned and always confirm the same before booking the service.

The visitors who are not interested to push themselves onto Cambodia after visiting Vietnam, need to explore several special attractions. Tra Vinh is famously recognized among people for providing a slice of Angkor Wat in the Mekong Delta. This area is located in the western part of the delta and called the center for country’s Khmer minority, apart from housing several monuments and Angkor-style temples. Moreover, if you are a nature lover and enjoy visiting greenery location, access one of the Mekong Delta’s several mangrove swamps. Besides this, you can also discover various activities to make your day special.

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